Webinar - The Myth of the RFP

By Green Building United (other events)

Wednesday, February 28 2018 12:00 PM 1:00 PM EST

Can’t wait for this year’s Sustainability Symposium? Get pumped by looking back at an original recording from last year - The Myth of the RFP: In search for more integrated processes for assembling design and construction team. Worth 1 GBCI CE and 1 AIA LU-HSW. 


Sustainability professionals understand the big box myth of “low cost.” However, the industry standard for two of the most important decisions in the life of a project: design team and builder selection, are predicated on outdated and deeply ingrained myths about how to get value for projects. Competitive RFPs provide an illusion of cover for Boards and shareholders but they rarely yield the best fit or the best cost.

This webinar will expose hidden flaws in the RFP model and explore integrated design and relationship based models for how to find the right team for advancing the goals that are most important to an owner, including sustainability.