Can’t wait for this year’s Sustainability Symposium? Get pumped by looking back at an original recording from last year - Transforming Cities Through Open-ended Nature Play, Community Placemaking, and Rainwater Management. Worth 1 GBCI CE hour and 1 AIA LU-HSW.
Within walking-distance of every citizen, imagine infill nature-playspaces layering programs, including biophilia and stormwater management into a citywide collection of veneer installations. The agile nature of these play designs, layered over concrete lots, leverages salvaged materials, optimizes stormwater management, and simplifies ongoing code compliance. A citywide commitment to playspaces can activate vacant lots and create a new local economy of playworkers. Transforming public school playgrounds into nature-based play yards can mitigate non-academic barriers to learning, like violence and trauma. Nature playspaces improve students’ classroom performance, helping to calm violent behaviors by lowering stress through interaction with natural spaces; unleashing happiness and healthy habits through physical activity, and expanding outdoor learning through STE(A)M based play. Behind these novel playspace designs is good science, grounded in field research and statistics. A multidisciplinary team of health professionals, researchers, information technology specialists, designers, and play specialists are collaborating to learn how play elements influence behavior and physical activity.